October 2020
Dear PAGE family,
We wish we could find a way during these unprecedented times to successfully run the coming regional spelling bee. The fact is, there is no way for us to run a bee that fits Scripps requirements that we can ensure will be both safe and fair. We plan to be back when hosting a large gathering is again safe.
For the following reasons, we're unable to meet the requirements to host a Scripps-associated regional bee for 2021:
PAGE of Wake County
Dear PAGE family,
We wish we could find a way during these unprecedented times to successfully run the coming regional spelling bee. The fact is, there is no way for us to run a bee that fits Scripps requirements that we can ensure will be both safe and fair. We plan to be back when hosting a large gathering is again safe.
For the following reasons, we're unable to meet the requirements to host a Scripps-associated regional bee for 2021:
- For schools to provide the champions who make up the regional bee competitors, schools must register with Scripps, pay the fee, and hold a school-wide bee by December. We feel this is unlikely to be feasible for most schools in our 8-county region this year.
- For PAGE's bee to be fair and inclusive, we'd need to ensure all champions would be able to participate. This leaves two options, neither of which PAGE can manage by March 2021 (our Scripps deadline).
- Option 1 is the traditional in-person bee. Because our regional bee is one of the largest, we have to determine if we could do so safely when there are predictions for spikes in COVID and flu between now and our bee deadline. We cannot risk our spellers and our community in this manner.
- Option 2 is an online virtual bee. PAGE has been unable to determine any method whereby we could guarantee that the bee would be both inclusive for participants from all 8 counties and free from cheating.
PAGE of Wake County